Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Social Calendar Events

Don't forget the following dates.................. Thursday 02.11.06 - Meet Mother Mossop the Matriarch of the Mossop Clan at Obe's place 6-6:30 pm - nibbles supplied - BYOG Saturday 11.11.06 - Inaugural tennis presentation with sausage sizzle supplied - 11:11am at the BBQ area of Mikeys place - BYOG/Cozzies/Towel and plastic drinking vessel if you want to drink by the pool. Saturday 18.11.06 - Dean's 21st at Ian and Mikey's place - nibbles supplied - bring a present (or make a cash donation to a group present) and BYOG - starts from 7:00pm til late Saturday 04.12.06 - Mikey & Ians Pink Roman Party - Strict dress rule applies - if you haven't received your invite - make contact - food and limited grog supplied - bring your own favoutie drink if you have one - 5:00pm to 11:00pm

1 comment:

. r o s s . said...

Isn't Saturday the 2nd of December? My iCal says that the 4th is a Monday?