Tuesday, May 08, 2007

TENNIS 08.05.07

Well what started out being a quiet nite with only 5 players taking to the Court has ended up being worse then a shiatsu on a stick!

Drama in the Camp as we now have a change in the top 3 bitches running for the coveted 2nd season award – yes my friends our Illustrious Mark (I am so Treasury) has been knocked off his first pole by Marcus who has been quietly cuming up the rear and now taking the head, closely followed on his behind by Mdme Bing our wonderful sexretary and a very close 3some is Mark Treasury.

This will not sit well with Ross (who arrived in the attire of one of the All-Bleks tonight), as the barks have it that if Mark does not win, then Ross goes without – and we aint talking going without the adoption of their soon to be arrival either! Although perhaps we are talking about another doggie – but then that’s another story.

Mdme Chair, the ever Kewl Frostydog, was on heat all night and didn’t stop sweating it out and Kewl Kalm and Kollected (KKK) Adam was, as usual as kewl as a Taringian can be.

Marcus found the side line all night much to his like and became a bone in Frostydog’s backside (so to speak), whilst Sunny Bing preferred to see how many balls he could keep out of the court for the night (closely followed by Adam).

The nite started with singles, ended with doubles and (for the benefit of Treasury Mark), $8.00 richer with payment being received from Adam R)

We look forward to your company next week.


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